St. Andrews Presbyterian Church
midland, GA
St. Andrews is a vibrant, healthy, growing, gospel-centered PCA church in Columbus, GA - about 90 minutes southwest of Atlanta, GA. The church was founded in 1986, and was led by Founding Pastor Bill Douglas until his retirement in 2019, at which time Wes Simmons took over as Sr Pastor, after having served most recently as RUF Campus Minister at Auburn University. The church has approximately 275 members and approximately 300-350 regular attendees. The Church’s primary ministries include Small Groups, Children and Youth Ministries, Mens and Womens’ Ministries, Adult Education, Worship, Missions and Hospitality/Congregational Life. The church has a healthy diversity of ages, with a growing number of young families. The Church typically has an active Session of 9 Elders and 10 Deacons. More info can be found on our church website or church app.