Worship Director

Job Overview

The Worship Director is a 12 hour per week position that will lead and oversee our Sunday worship ministry. This person will work with the Senior Pastor and our Worship Ministry Team to create God-glorifying worship experiences that invite participants into a deeper relationship with Christ.

Job Description

Worship Director Job Description

The Worship Director is a 12 hour per week position that will lead and oversee our Sunday worship ministry. This person will work with the Senior Pastor and our Worship Ministry Team to create God-glorifying worship experiences that invite participants into a deeper relationship with Christ.

The Worship Director must be passionate about:

  1. Leading adorational, exuberant, and edifying congregational singing (Colossians 3:16)
  2. Helping others exercise musical gifts with excellence to bless the church (1 Corinthians 12:7)
  3. Raising up and developing other leaders who can increasingly manage scopes of ministry responsibility (Exodus 18)


  1. An authentic, growing relationship with Jesus Christ.
  2. Ability to lead worship from an instrument.
  3. Agreement with the Statement of Faith of the Evangelical Free Church of America (https://www.efca.org/sof).
  4. Have a working knowledge of sound and projection technologies, or a willingness to learn.
  5. Ability to plan ahead and keep multiple services and schedules organized.
  6. Ability to work well with praise team members, encouraging, supporting and investing in them.


  1. Worship Planning
    1. Work with Senior Pastor to plan Sunday morning worship. This includes choosing songs and occasionally other service elements. Song choices should reflect music that speak to all age demographics of the church body (various generations), are varied, eclectic, and God-glorifying.
    2. Working with the praise team, choose arrangements of songs and assemble music books for praise team members.
    3. Teach and introduce new songs (6-12 per year) to the congregation, chosen in coordination with Senior Pastor.
    4. Make schedules for Sunday morning praise team sound and projection. Include special services (Christmas, Holy Week, Thanksgiving, etc.) in the schedule when applicable.
    5. Schedule/Coordinate piano players for special services (Funerals, Memorials, Special Worship services).
    6. Invite and include children to participate in praise team on Family Sundays.
  2. Worship Leading
    1. Lead the congregation in worship on Sunday morning, or equip a praise team member to lead.
    2. Lead and/or oversee mid-week and Sunday morning rehearsals. This includes finding times to train and equip musicians to improve their technical skill and understanding of worship.
  3. Administrative/Other
  4. Meet weekly with Senior Pastor.
  5. Attend and lead twice monthly worship team Devotions.
  6. Prepare worship related Google/PowerPoint slides for each Sunday.
  7. Set up platform and determine lighting for sanctuary each week.
  8. Oversee our musical worship approach and song library. This includes maintaining a record of when we sing each song.
  9. Oversee our worship technology and keep it up to date, including sound board, sanctuary computer, projector, and projection software.
  10. Oversee our instruments (piano, drums, guitars, etc.) and make arrangements with the Trustees and Financial Secretary for maintenance, upkeep, or new purchases. This includes scheduling piano tunings.
  11. Renew CCLI license and take care of reporting requirements yearly.
  12. Work with Senior Pastor to identify areas of professional growth, commit to taking regular steps to grow in knowledge or skills related to this position.

Relationships: The Worship Director is responsible to the is Senior Pastor and the Elders, in consultation with the Executive Board.

Hours and Compensation: The Worship Director will be compensated as agreed upon by the Worship Director and the Executive Board of River Vale Community Church. He/she should work an average of 10 – 12 hours per week on worship and worship related activities.

Vacation: The Worship Director will be expected to be present for up to 46/52 Sunday morning worship services during a calendar year. For four of the services where the Worship Director is absent, he/she will be expected to perform their usual planning and coordination duties with the Senior Pastor. For the two remaining services where the Worship Director is no present, she/he will not be expected to perform any weekly duties or planning. The time off will be approved and coordinated with the Senior Pastor and Treasurer.

Evaluation: The Senior Pastor and Elder Board, in consultation with the Executive Board, will conduct bi-annual reviews of the Worship Director.

Church Name: River Vale Community Church
Location: River Vale, NJ
Website: http://rivervalecommunitychurch.org/welcome

Job Type: Part-time
Salary: $0 - $29,000

Date Posted: 3 days ago