Worship Resident

Job Overview

Worship Residency at MVCC exists to develop future worship leaders in their practical worship leading skills to flourish praise among the people of God. There is no better way to learn the practical aspects of musicianship, shepherding leadership, service planning, and christian artistry, than in an intensive environment that gives opportunity and oversight. The Worship Residency is a great environment to network with Crossway Network churches and leaders, gain quality ministry references, and plan next steps in both vocation and ministry. God is moving and equipping His people in a myriad of ways, and this residency is designed to be a practical piece of the story that God is writing.

Job Description

What skills and experience will a person have upon successfully completing the residency?

  1. The ability to confidently lead worship songs as a vocalist and instrumentalist.
  2. The ability to lead band rehearsals in bands of various instruments.
  3. A basic theological, and historical understanding of liturgy and the ability to implement liturgical philosophy in various worship contexts.
  4. The ability to arrange songs to fit different instrumental and liturgical needs.
  5. An understanding and ability on how to organize, recruit, and communicate to worship volunteers in a church context.
  6. An understanding and ability on how to maximize their own specific gifting (spiritual and natural) in leading worship and a worship ministry.
  7. A basic understanding of hermeneutics, biblical theology, and systematic theology, and how to shepherd people according to God's word in worship.
  8. An ability to be a part of a ministry team that involves a wider scope than just gathered musical worship.
  9. A basic understanding and ability to use relevant worship and music related technology (sound, lighting, projection, etc.).

What does Worship Residency look like?

  1. 1-2 years depending on person's desire and church needs
  2. Full-Time (45 hours), or Part-Time (30 hours) options
    1. This residency is a fundraised position, and requires 90% funding before starting.
      1. We provide coaching, administrative help, and accounting alongside the fundraising process.
  3. Every worship resident has a specific ministry they are focused on. There are currently openings for a worship resident in both our College Ministry, and our Highschool and Middle-school Ministries.

For a full job description, please click here.

Church Name: Mountain View Community Church
Location: Fort Collins, Colorado
Website: http://www.mvcchurch.org

Job Type: Full-time
Salary: $0 - $29,000

Date Posted: 2 months ago